Wednesday 29 August 2012

Newspaper: - The People’s Voice

This article focuses on Indian current newspapers. The papers, journals and magazines contribute more contents in the development of the nation.

Today, a large number of newspapers, journals and magazines are rapidly growing in different corners of the world. They are offering credible insight and opinion on National News, politics, business, finance, and science and technology and Sports News. Some Local News papers/journals/ tabloids/Magazines focus on regional happenings and target local audiences/ readers. Local readers take more interest to get more information about their hometowns. 

Local News introduces to regional readers by providing in-depth information/reports about their local happenings. Today, there are a large number of mass media which provide well-researched and sharply

CNN’s War On Modern Day Slavery, A Noble Failure Or Self Promotion?

An article comparing the futility of CNN’s so called “war on modern day slavery” to that of the Bush administration’s “war on drugs”. It being a case where one was destined to be a dismal failure while the other will only achieve the goal of promoting CNN and giving the appearance that they actually care about something; apart from their own ratings.

For the last month or so CNN has been on a campaign to try to eradicate what it considers to be “modern day slavery” in what they have to come to call a war. This being very similar to what the Bush administration started back in the late 80s when it declared a war on drugs. It being George Bush, who was convinced that he could win a war against drug dealers and above all drugs; in order that they might either be kept out of the United States or at least have their amounts reduced. Of course the United States with its vast resources was able to go after drug dealers and even have several of them arrested as well as stop tons of drugs from entering the United States. This so called war on drugs even capturing

U.S. Forces Are Taking a Dense Penetration to Southeast Asia

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates recently said that though there are budget cuts and war-weary voices in the States, the United States will not stop expanding military involvement in the Asia Pacific region, the United States will deploy new Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) in Singapore, and carry out more exercises with Australia. At the same time, he edgewise expressed strong concern on China's development of anti-ship missiles and other "anti-access" strategies. He said the United States will improve its ability of sea-air joint operations in response. The speech was given in a Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, on June 4.

Gates said the United States will continue to develop sea-air battle plan, to strengthen and expand its operational capability outside Japan and South Korea, spread to Southeast Asia, the Indian Ocean and more areas.

To this end, the United States will deploy new LCSs in Singapore and reserve more supplies to expand the parking capacity of U.S. warships; enhance joint training to improve its ability to respond to humanitarian disasters.

The LCSs is the key to achieve its strategic transformation "from sea to land". The type of ship which is required a displacement of less than 3,000 tons, is mainly for offshore operations, to complete tasks the traditional major combat surface ships cannot, to take coasts control as the vanguard for

Friday 24 August 2012

News to Unite India

India is a country of unity in diversity and hence being and Indian is a matter of proud that we all are different in culture but we all are united with the feelings of being Indian. This is where all of us unite.  This big country for east to west and from south to north is connected with the help of News. News makes a man of south get the updates of people living in south. There are various channels which provide only West Bengal News and with the help of globalization a man being an East Indian and sitting north India will be able to make get the information happening around in eastern India. Be it UP News or Rajasthan News you will be able to

Various State News and Their Values

In every state every types of news is delivered to the people in different language. For example, in Uttar Pradesh people can get all kind of Uttar Pradesh news in the language in Hindi as most of the people in this particular state speak in this language. Hindi is the official language in India. Most of the people understand this language. That is why most of the important sources of news deliver various types of news in this particular language. In every state people can be well-known about the news of their state and side by side of the country. For example, the people of Punjab can be updated with the Punjab news in Hindi and the people of Delhi can get the Delhi news in Hindi instantly. The people of these two places speak in Hindi. 

It is really needed for everyone to be updated with the latest news. News can be on anything like

News in States and Their Value

Nowadays people are able to get any kind of news instantly with the help of improved machines and devices. There was a time when people were unable to get any kind of news in their daily lives. With the development of technology and science people have become able to be updated with the news on economics, politics, science, education, natural disasters and other happenings. In India media is very active for many years to deliver many kind of India news. It is really needed for all Indians to get updated with the news of every happening that are going on the states. By sitting into the room people can now be able to connect with the whole world and can also be well-known about regional news like

Army Brat: Growing Up Military

High school was officially over and I was adamantly opposed to being affiliated with the military, any longer.  Then again, I was adamantly opposed to anything my parents were involved with.  This included the military, going to college, and of course, Republicans.  It did not help that I had been an Army brat the last 17 years of my life, toted across the US like a carry-on bag.  I was sick of all the moving and sick of all the extra mandates that came with being in the military.  Being a military brat meant there were certain household rules the family had to abide by, ones that normal families might think strange.  There was the no painting or wallpapering of walls rule, no digging up the yard rule, and no purchases of anything permanent or long-term rule.  Having pets was based on our housing situation.  So for several years, they too were shipped around to various relatives for safe-keeping.  Having friends longer than a few years was a joke and I became quite adept at making the obligatory promise of keeping in touch with a straight face.  Thus, when the time came for me to make